The Monster That IS The Media
The capital murder case against Casey Marie Anthony has brought out the best and the worst of people on an international level with media attention, the likes of which the State of Florida has never seen, according to Judge Melvin Perry (Presiding Judge in the trial). During a court hearing on Monday the 2nd of May 2011, Judge Perry stated that this case both in public and media attention "Dwarfs the O.J. Simpson Trial", (Hon. Judge Melvin Perry, Orange County Courthouse).
Media As Victims
Judge Perry denied a motion on Monday against the media who are seeking to gain jury selection information as soon as possible. This motion if granted would have allowed for media outlets to gain and publish court obtained information regarding Jury selection before May 8th, 2011, one day before jury selection. Judge Perry had previously created a confidentiality agreement which would protect this information from being obtained by media through the courts and publishing it. The confidentiality agreement was intended to prevent the already extraordinary media and public biases from contaminating the potential jury by keeping inflammatory media stories and reports away from potential jurors. It is currently unknown where the jurors will come from, and Judge Perry wants to keep it that way until the afternoon before jury selection begins.
Media Motives
As Judge Perry pointed out on Monday, this information being provided to the media on the afternoon of the 8th, will allow for more than ample time an opportunity for media outlets to get their trucks and cameras ready and begin the process of covering the continuing story. Judge Perry also wondered out loud, what possible motives the media could have for needing this information in advance of the day before jury selection, and sternly reiterated the absolute need for Miss Casey Anthony, the defendant, to have a fair trial at the hands of untainted jurors, a need far outweighing any media needs or perceived rights to create for themselves, better ratings.
Loop Holes; a Tactical Judge
Judge Perry also pointed out the additional prospective cost for security being over $300,000 additionally, should a media feeding frenzy begin one week prior to jury selection. Judge Perry pointed out that his confidentiality agreement did not state that media could not obtain and publish the information they are seeking through their own independent sources, (of which they have hired plenty), but that the agreement refers only to information obtained by media through the court hearings, a very tactical loophole to point out.
Don't Like the Answer? Appeal It
While the attorney representing several media outlets argued that they have the right to see this information on any other court docket in any other case, Judge Perry appeared only further annoyed by this argument and remained steadfast in his ruling, reminding the attorney that they may appeal his decision and further delay the trial by doing so. By his own admission, Judge Perry's decision will stand unless or until a higher court finds him wrong.
Defendant Heard that She Has Rights
We saw and heard the magnitude of Judge Perry's deep concern for the defendant's right to a fair trial. It isn't certain whether it was the prospect of further delays which moved Casey Anthony to tears during this hearing, (that prospect almost brought me to tears), or if it was hearing the terms "fair trial" and "presumed innocent" as these were also mentioned a number of times during the hearing. Perhaps it was both that caused her breakdown.
Can Casey Hold it Together?
One thing is becoming apparent to me, and that is the defendant's attempts to mask her increasing anxiety and fear over her upcoming trial, which appear to be a losing battle from time to time. Even the most seemingly insignificant of rulings at this point will mean much more to Casey Anthony than to the rest of us. What is minutia to the rest of us, has a growing life of it's own in the defendants mind and rightly so. After all, she may lose her life if found guilty, and every ruling brings her closer to or further from death's door. So far most of the rulings have done the prior.
Background Information / Further Reading
The trial against Casey Anthony is set to begin with opening statements on May 17, 2011. Jury selection will be under way on May 9th 2011 and a May 4th 2011 hearing is scheduled for matters regarding Jury selection. For transcripts, legal documents, deposition hearings, time lines, court video, and all things related to Casey Anthony, you can go to anyone of these webpages for a wealth of information:
The world need more unbiased opinions and an objective look at the Casey Anthony Trial (The State of Florida vs. Casey Marie Anthony). Objective facts & Subjective thoughts about a hopefully fair trial & some light shed on what went so terribly wrong in both the lives of Casey and her daughter Caylee Anthony.
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I was wondering where the blanket Caylee was found in. My point is if it was not in the home when Casey left her parents home in June for a month I think it is reasonable to think Casey is the one that wrapped the body, left it in the trunk, then later went to her home to prepare Caylee for a ritual burial just as she saw and learned how the family buried pets that had pasted away. With the pets it was done with dignity, some Casey didn't seem to comprehend. My theory makes Casey culpable but still dose not explain the manor of death.